Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How bad is tv for my little one?

An article in the Mail today claims that toddlers who watch tv are potentially forming a life-time habit.  Take a look at the article yourself here.  Well, is a life-time of enjoying watching tv such a bad thing?  My son doesn't watch TV in a dull, vegetative state - he takes things in from it - like ideas, vocabulary, stories and concepts.  He also takes pleasure from it.  If he continues to do this all his life, then is it such a bad thing?  Why is TV considered to be such a bad thing, but listening to audio tapes or stories from books considered to be such a good thing?  My son likes books and audio stories too, but getting moving images to boot is fantastic for him.
For me, the worst thing about TV, is that I get temper-tantrums or utter despair when the TV needs to be turned off.  Whatever moments of peace I gained when the TV was on, is taken away as soon as the TV is off - especially if it is near the end of the day and he is tired.  So, although the Mail article suggests parents let their kids watch tv to give their selfish selves some moments of me time (tut, tut, not allowed) it actually does come at a price for me, and I'm sure other parents too. 
So, how do you let your kids watch tv without life without tv becoming too painful?  Ideas much appreciated.

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