Friday, March 12, 2010

TV helps my son learn about the world

This morning at breakfast my son told me: "when there is an earthquake, buildings fall down." He then went on to add: "some children without mummys and daddys have to wait in a school for a very long time." The story he told me all sounded very interesting and very intriguing. "Where did you find out about this?" I asked him, expecting him to say that it was from nursery or from a dream. "From Newsround!" he told me. Apparently they had had a feature on the earthquake in Chile and my son had been very struck by the images of destroyed buildings and children who'd been made orphans. I hadn't realized that he could understand Newsround, or if he liked it. "Do you like watching Newsround?" I asked him. "Yes", he replied, "it tells me about the world". What wise words from a three and a half year old! Sometime they really act older than you expect them to, and then out of the blue they regress into a screaming baby...
So, today tv has been good for my son, and he actually has been a bit better about turning it off. Long may this last!